My Home Away From Home - Rachel Brant-White


Growing up, I always had friends that I considered best friends but never one that would say the same about me. A few years into high school through gymnastics I found three best friends who became sisters. They got me through high school and everything in between no matter how big or small. As college approached, I decided to move 300 miles away and not only leave behind friends and family but also the sport that I considered my life for 15.5 years, which brought me a sisterhood of friends. I was scared of the loneliness that would come with leaving that behind and the possibility of never finding that again. However, my mom encouraged me to go through recruitment she forced me because when I got scared and tried to back out at the last minute she said that I was not allowed to because we spent too much time planning and picking out my outfits. Looking back on my time before ADPi came into my life, I will never forget that on admitted students day my mom and I were walking along Rose Street looking at all the houses we were on the corner and I saw a group of girls studying together on the side porch and I told my mom that's where I wanted to call home, that never changed. Thank goodness I ran home to 476 Rose Street on bid day, and afterward my mom told me that she had been hoping all along I would end up there, one of her reasons was that she just knew the women here would push me to become the best version of me I could be, which I did find to be true, and also because she did her research and knew that we are the smartipis on campus, which I also found to be true. I had always heard stories about sororities that mostly discouraged me from giving them a chance but when I gave it a chance despite that, I honestly didn't expect in any way shape, or form to give me what I truly found here at ADPi. My freshman year was hard, I was homesick, anxious all the time, and truly didn't think I belonged on campus anymore. I put in a transfer application to my second choice school from when I was applying to college, and by surprise, I got in, but listened to my gut and deferred the transfer acceptance and decided I needed another year to be sure before I gave up on what my life could be here. When I came back to campus this year I quickly found myself belonging and truly happy. Karly, Maddie, Ava, Bri, Kate, Ella, Addie, Ellen, Julia, Ellie, Keena, Sienna, and dozens of others… Thank you for being my best friends. The friends that I have found behind the blue door have provided me with love, belief in friendship, and memories I will hold on to forever and truly never be more grateful for. The woman in this chapter embodies not only what it means to be an Alpha Delta Pi, but the definition of a strong, independent, compassionate woman and friends and I consider myself so lucky to surround myself with these amazing women every day.